The Martian is a solid, breezy, funny, and entertaining film. In a rare occurrence where the movie improves upon the book, Ridley Scott and co. have made a film that's smart, yet doesn't forget it's audience.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
THE MARTIAN Review - We really like to strand Matt Damon
The Martian is a solid, breezy, funny, and entertaining film. In a rare occurrence where the movie improves upon the book, Ridley Scott and co. have made a film that's smart, yet doesn't forget it's audience.
What does it mean to be a "true gentleman"?
In any case, I post the original here for your reading pleasure. I sincerely wanted to give the article some substance and really drive home the point of "just because this boy does x, y, and z does NOT mean he's a gentleman". If the boy who dons a suit and fedora at the local high school can technically do all the same "things" as say, Atticus Finch, then why is the former not regarded as a gentleman? What is filling in the gaps there? Here you go:
Monday, October 19, 2015
It's here! Final trailer for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS
The final trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens has arrived and you can see it right here. Also, tickets are on sale but many sites have crashed and MANY showtimes are already sold out. If you hope to see this movie before Christmas, act now!
SICARIO Review - "What are we doing here?"
Of all the movies I've seen in the past while, Sicario has stuck with me the most. It's meaty, dark, and forces yourself to ask serious moral questions. In this review I'll do my best to bring to light some themes the film explores while keeping the plot largely intact. This is another movie I saw without having anything spoiled, so I'll do my best to do the same for you.
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