Tuesday, August 1, 2017

5 Popular Movies With The Wrong Rating

Movie ratings are often a deep rabbit hole of debate, heated arguments, and hurt feelings. The rating system by the Motion Picture Academy of America, proposes to be a consistent guide to judging the the content of a film, but the prudent and self-aware viewer once taking a step back and comparing the content and tone of films across the rating spectrum certainly raises some interesting questions.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Top Five Movies from 2016 That You May Have Missed

2016 was a crowded year at the movies. While there were more hits than misses, there were bound to be some that slipped through the cracks. Here are five of my favorite movies from 2016 that you may have missed.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Best Previews of San Diego Comic-Con 2017

San Diego Comic-Con has come and gone and hoo-boy was it a good one! Hit the jump for the best of SDCC 2017.